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Found 55 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning To You” #1

Sing the greeting song and signal a child to say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning To You” #2

Hold up a name card and have children figure out whose name it is. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Good Morning To You” #3

Spell the name of a child and have that child place his or her name on the greeting song chart. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “I See Someone” #1

Sing the greeting song and signal to a child to stand up and say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “I See Someone” #2

Sing the greeting song and hold up a name card. Signal to each child to find the letter card that matches the first letter in his or her name.

Greeting Song: “Jump In!” #1

Signal children to jump in the circle as he or she says his or her name aloud.  

Greeting Song: “Jump In!” #2

Hold up a name card and signal to child to jump into the circle as he or she says his or her name. Have children act out a hammer motion each time you point to a letter in their name.

Greeting Song: “Sing, Sing, Sing with Me” #6

Sing the greeting song and signal a child to say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Sing, Sing, Sing with Me” #7

Hold up a name card and have that child say his or her name. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Sing, Sing, Sing with Me” #8

Clap the syllables in a child’s name. Repeat the song until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #6

Sing the greeting song. Point a measuring tape at a child and instruct him or her to say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #7

Say a child’s name and emphasize the ending letter sound. Sing the greeting song with that name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #8

Sing the greeting song. Hold up a name card and have that child say his or her name. Repeat until every child is included.

Greeting Song: “Who Are You?” #9

Clap the syllables in a child’s name and insert that name into the song. Repeat until every child is included.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/b/)

Display a bag of objects that begin with the /b/ sound. Invite children to take turns picking an object and deciding whether or not it goes in the “Bb” bag.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Bag of Sounds (/t/)

Children take turns picking up an object, naming it, and saying whether it begins with the /t/ sound and belongs in the /t/ bag or not.

Learn About Letter Sounds Together: Last Sound You Hear (/ks/)

Help children recognize the /ks/ sound of the letter “Xx” at the end of words.

Learn About Letters Together: Cross Your Fingers

Challenge children to make the letter "X" with different parts of their bodies.

Learn About Letters Together: Guess My Word (/t/)

Create riddles with words that start with the /t/ sound and relate to the week’s theme (tool words, construction words).

Learn About Letters Together: Letter ("Tt") and Word (tool) Hunt

Reinforce recognition of the letter “Tt” and the word tool by having children hunt for them in the room.

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