- number cards 1–10
- number chart that shows the numerals and the words one to ten
- The Three Little Pigs (book)
- word cards: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten
- match
MA Standards:
Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.1 Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.2 Recognize and name written numerals 0-10.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
Mathematics/Number Sense 1 Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Word Play: Match Game
ELA Focus Skills: Number Recognition, Word Recognition, Follow Directions
Display the page of The Three Little Pigs where the wolf entices the pig to go for turnips. Read the lines that include what time the wolf will come for the pig in the morning.
- Point to the words that tell the time. (six o’clock)
- Hold up a word card that identifies the number six.
- Hold up the number card 6.
- Wiggle both cards and say the word and number: six (pause) 6. Both of these cards say six/6.
Model how to play a matching game.
- Spread the word cards upside down on one part of a table and the number cards upside down on another part.
- Pick a number card (e.g., 4) and ask children to identify it.
- Pick a word card and read it aloud. If it is not four, ask, Is this the word four? Exaggerate the sounding out of the number word. No, so I will put it back, face down.
- Continue until you get the card with four on it. Say, Now I have a match! Show both cards and say, Four/4!
- Invite children to take turns making matches of numerals and number words.
Adaptation: If you have very young children in your group, you may want to use fewer numbers and place the number of dots on each card (numeral and words) so children can visually match the set.