- chalk or tape
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Foundational Skills/RF.PK.MA.2 With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Alphabet Knowledge Recognizes that the letters of the alphabet are a special category of visual graphics that can be individually named.
Literacy Knowledge/Alphabet Knowledge Recognizes that letters of the alphabet have distinct sound(s) associated with them.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 7 Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 9 Link letters with sounds in play activities.
EEC Infant and Toddler Guidelines:
PW50. The older toddler engages in a variety of physical activities.
Learn About Letters Together: Tiptoe on “T”
ELA Focus Skills: Letter Formation, Letter Recognition, Gross Motor Skills
Make a giant uppercase “T” on the floor or playground with chalk or tape. First ask children if they can identify the letter. Then demonstrate for children how to tiptoe along the letter in the same way they would write it. First, tiptoe across the long straight line. Then, go back to the middle of the long line and turn and tiptoe down to the bottom of the letter. Then jump off! As children walk, have them chant tip-toe, tip-toe, tip-toe along the “T” to help them associate the letter with the letter sound /t/.
Adaptation: You may need to walk with very young children to help them return to the bottom to complete the “T” shape.