- Tap Tap Bang Bang (book)
- toy tools (from Tap Tap Bang Bang)
- tool
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.1b Continue a conversation through multiple exchanges.
Mathematics/Measurement and Data/PK.MD.MA.3 Sort, categorize, and classify objects by more than one attribute.
Head Start Outcomes:
Logic and Reasoning/Reasoning and Problem Solving Classifies, compares, and contrasts objects, events, and experiences.
Science Knowledge/Scientific Skills and Method Observes and discusses common properties, differences, and comparisons among objects.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
Mathematics/Patterns and Relations 8 Sort, categorize, or classify objects by more than one attribute.
Play Together: Match the Tool

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
STEM Key Concepts: Different materials are useful for making different structures and different parts of structures
ELA Focus Skills: Compare and Contrast, Listening and Speaking, Sorting, Vocabulary
Take children on a picture walk through the book Tap Tap Bang Bang. Review with children how each tool is used.
Draw attention to the toy tools and tell children you are going to play “Match the Tool” with them. Explain that you will close your eyes and open the book to a page. Say, When I open to a page, I will point to a tool and call out a child’s name. When you hear your name, find the tool that matches the picture and act out using the tool as I make the sound word. Encourage children to make the sound word along with you. Repeat until each child has had a turn.