- Between the Lions alphabet chart
- letter card “Tt”
- letter or word cards from previous weeks
- word card tool and other “Tt” word cards
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Foundational Skills/RF.PK.MA.1.d Recognize and name some uppercase letters of the alphabet and the lowercase letters in one’s own name.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Print Concepts and Conventions Recognizes print in everyday life, such as numbers, letters, one’s name, words, and familiar logos and signs.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 7 Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.
Learn About Letters Together: Letter ("Tt") and Word (tool) Hunt
ELA Focus Skills: Letter Recognition, Word Recognition
Educator Prep: Print out the Between the Lions alphabet chart or create an alphabet chart on chart paper. Before gathering children, place word cards around the room for children to find. Include “Tt” words from the read-aloud books from the week.
Reinforce recognition of the letter “Tt” and the word tool by having children hunt for them in the room. Show children the letter card and word card and tell them you want them to hunt for “Tt” all around the room.
- Encourage children to look on charts, name cards, word cards, and in books. You may wish to hide a few cards in plain sight to aid the hunters.
- If time allows, you may want to repeat with other words and letters covered in previous weeks.
Adaptation: Groups with varied ages may wish to pair older and younger children to hunt together so that older ones can help younger ones find the words.
English Language Learners: If English language learners have difficulty understanding what to do, partner them with strong English speakers who can help them so they both find the letter and word.