- blocks (various sizes, colors)
- color
MA Standards:
Language/L.PK.MA.1: Demonstrate use of oral language in informal everyday activities.
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.1a: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g., taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Expressive Language: Uses increasingly complex and varied vocabulary.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 1: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Build a Structure

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Skill Focus: Color Recognition, Follow Directions, Hand-Eye Coordination, Speaking and Listening
Tell children they will work together to build a structure with blocks of different colors.
Group children in pairs or in small groups. Explain that one child will name a color and a number of blocks. Then the other child will begin to build a structure using those blocks.
- Children switch roles and keep adding on to create one structure together.
- Encourage children to describe the colors they are adding.