- charts and children’s drawings from the week
- read-aloud books from the week
- bulb
- grow
- plant
- seed
Review the Week Together: Unit 7, Week 1

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Display the read-aloud books The Carrot Seed and One Bean. Look at and praise children’s artwork, writing, and charts displayed around the room. Talk about the things children did and learned this week, including their work in the Learning Centers.
For example, say, This week we began learning about different kinds of plants and seeds and how to make them grow.
- Tell me what a seed or bulb needs to help it grow.
- Tell me what changes happened to your seeds and bulbs.
- Tell me why seeds in the dark corner didn’t grow at all.
- We also reviewed the letter “Ss” and learned the letter “Ll.” We talked about words like seed and leaves.
- Tell me another word that begins with the letter “Ss.” The letter “Ll.”
- Now tell me another word that begins with the /s/ sound like in seed. The letter sound /l/ like in leaves.
Let children choose a favorite rhyme or song from the week to recite or sing together.