- color circles (red, yellow, blue)
- color
- shade
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners during daily routines and play.
Language/L.PK.MA.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, listening to books read aloud, activities, and play.
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Language Development/Expressive Language: Uses language to express ideas and needs.
Language Development/Expressive Language: Uses increasingly complex and varied vocabulary.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
Mathematics/Patterns and Relations 7: Explore and describe a wide variety of concrete objects by their attributes.
Talk Together: Red, Yellow, Blue
STEM Key Concepts: There are many different colors; A color can have different shades (from very light to very dark)
ELA Focus Skills: Listening and Speaking, Vocabulary
Educator Prep: Before gathering children, place red, yellow, and blue objects around the room.
Prepare children for the read-aloud Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue? by Tana Hoban. Have them find red, yellow, and blue objects around the room.
Tell children you are going to hold up a color circle and call out the color. Say, When I call out the color I want you to find an object around the room and bring it back to the circle or, if it is too big, to stand by the object. Explain that after every child has found an object, they will share it with the group. Encourage children to use descriptive words as they describe the shade of color.
Once children have described objects of one color, have them return the object before calling out the next color.
Social Emotional Tip: Encourage children to help others who are having difficulty finding an object or difficulty describing the object. Acknowledging these qualities will help children understand the importance of helping and caring for others in the group.