- books about community helpers (include books about people who care for community spaces with plants and trees)
- building blocks
- toy vehicles (landscape trucks, snow plows, police car, etc.)
- writing materials
- community helper
- landscaper
- neighborhood
English Language Arts/Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.5 Create representations of experiences or stories (e.g., drawings, constructions with blocks or other materials, clay models) and explain them to others.
Head Start Outcomes:
Approaches to Learning/Initiative and Curiosity Demonstrates flexibility, imagination, and inventiveness in approaching tasks and activities.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Composition 16 Use their own words or illustrations to describe their experiences, tell imaginative stories, or communicate information about a topic of interest.
Community Helpers

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Skill Focus: Fine Motor Skills, Imaginative Play, Vocabulary
Remind children that everyone needs help sometime.
- Talk about different types of community spaces (with plants and trees) and community helpers who help take care of these spaces for the whole neighborhood or town. Discuss the vehicles that community helpers use that children see in their neighborhoods, such as snowplows, police cars, landscaper trucks, or a garbage trucks.
- Then have children use blocks to build a neighborhood space that includes roads for these vehicles to travel on. Help children label their structures.
Encourage children to move toy vehicles along the roads and talk about how they are taking care of the space. Talk about how these community helpers make these spaces clean and fun for all the people in the neighborhood. For example, they might say, “This garbage man drives a truck and picks up trash in the park. This helps keep the park clean.”