- construction paper cut into strips
- counting or stacking cubes
- glue
- number cards
- paper
- ruler
- scissors
- tape
- block
- height
- measure
- plant
- shorter
- shortest
- tall
- taller
- tallest
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners during daily routines and play.
MA Draft Standards:
Life Sciences/From Molecules to Organisms: Inheritance and Variation of Traits/LS1/3.D Recognize stages of the life cycle of plants and animals they have observed and discuss ideas about what happens at each stage. [Patterns, Change]
Head Start Outcomes:
Science Knowledge/Conceptual Knowledge of Natural and Physical Worlds Observes, describes, and discusses living things and natural processes.
Science Knowledge/Scientific Skills and Method Collects, describes, and records information through discussions, drawings, maps, and charts.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
Science and Technology/Life Sciences 10 Observe and identify the characteristics and needs of living things: humans, animals, and plants.
Mathematics/Measurement 14 Use nonstandard units to measure length, weight, and amount of content in familiar objects.
Measuring Plants
Skill Focus: Counting, Measuring, Vocabulary
Have children continue to measure their plants in the Science and Math Center. Provide other materials for children to use, such as number cards. Children can place in front of their plants a number card that represents the number of cubes they used to measure the height of their plant. Have children compare the heights of the plants visually—which are the tallest? Shortest? Then have children make and compare measurements. Suggest they record a drawing of their plant and record how tall it is in their science notebook.