- charts and children’s drawings from the week
- read-aloud books from the week
- leaf
- plant
- root
- seed
- sprout
- stem
Review the Week Together: Unit 8, Week 1

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Look at and praise children’s artwork, writing, and charts displayed around the room. Display the read-aloud books Chicks and Salsa by Aaron Reynolds and Eating the Alphabet by Lois Ehlert. Then talk about what children did and learned this week, including their work in the Learning Centers. Say,
- We learned that many foods we eat come from plants. Tell me about some of the foods we eat that come from plants.
- We learned about using plants in recipes. Tell me some of the plants the chicks use to make the salsa in Chicks and Salsa?
- We read about plants that begin with every letter of the alphabet. Tell me one plant that begins with the letter “Aa.”
- We saw videos about some children exploring outdoors. Who can tell me one thing the children discovered?
- Display the farm word card. Ask, What is this word? It’s the word farm. What is the first letter in the word farm? Who can find the letter “Ff” on our alphabet chart? Who has a letter “Ff” in their name? Tell me a word that begins with the /f/ sound as in farm.
- Invite children to sing their favorite plant song or recite their favorite plant poem.
You may want to return to the “Plants We Like” graph, and ask children if any of their choices have changed after taste testing new plants this week. Recreate the graph with children adding new pictures. Talk about the results.