- paint squares (shades of yellow) (found at paint supply stores)
- word card yellow
- color
- dark
- light
- shade
- yellow
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening/
SL.PK.MA.1a: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g., taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/
Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 1: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Word Play: Word (yellow)

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
STEM Key Concepts: There are many different colors; A color can have many different shades (from very light to very dark)
ELA Focus Skills: Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Place the paint squares face up on the table. Hold up the yellow word card and ask children to read the card.
Tell children that they are going to play a "Find That Shade" game. Explain that each child will have a chance to hold the yellow word card. Say, When it is your turn to hold the card, I will call out a shade of yellow, such as “Light yellow!” or “Dark yellow!” and you choose a color square that matches what I describe.
- Then explain that after they find the shade, the child is to hold up the card and repeat the description. Then he or she passes the yellow word card to another child. Play until every child has had a turn to choose a shade of yellow.