Talk Together: Hat Colors

  • construction paper (red and green)
  • glue
  • newspaper
  • paint (red and green)
  • paintbrush
  • scissors

MA Standards:

Language/L.PK.MA.1: Demonstrate use of oral language in informal everyday activities.

Head Start Outcomes:

Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Language Development/Expressive Language: Uses language to express ideas and needs.

PreK Learning Guidelines:

English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.

Talk Together: Hat Colors

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.

STEM Key Concepts: There are many different colors

ELA Focus Skills: Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary

Educator Prep: Make a simple newspaper hat. Fold the paper in half from top to bottom. With the folded edge away from you, fold the upper corners to the center to form a peak. Fold the bottom edge up, one on each side. Paint the hat, or cover it with construction paper so it’s red on one side and green on the other.

Prepare children for viewing the show Between the Lions “It’s Red! It’s Green!” by playing a game.

  • Have children stand in two lines facing one another.
  • Ask them to take ten steps backward, so they leave an aisle in the middle.
  • Put the hat you made on your head. Look straight ahead and walk through the aisle.
  • Ask, What color is my hat? Then say, Will it be the same color if I turn around and walk back?
  • Walk in the other direction.

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