- crepe paper streamers in rainbow colors
- rainbow
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening: SL.PK.MA.1a: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g., taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Head Start Outcomes:
Social Emotional Development/Self-Regulation: Follows simple rules, routines, and directions.
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 1: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 12: Listen to, recite, sing, and dramatize a variety of age-appropriate literature.
EEC Infant and Toddler Guidelines:
PW50: The older toddler engages in a variety of physical activities.
Sing Together: “Rainbow Song”

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
STEM Key Concepts: There are many different colors
ELA Focus Skills: Phonological Awareness, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Invite six children to stand in front of the group. Give each child a crepe paper streamer in one of the rainbow colors. Have children work together to place the children with streamers in order of the rainbow colors.
- Say, Where should <child's name> stand with the red ribbon? Where should <child's name> stand with the orange ribbon?
- Have the six “rainbow” children move their arms up and down or side-to-side as the class sings the “Rainbow Song.”
- Allow all children to have a chance to be part of the rainbow.
Rainbow Song
(sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)
Red and orange
Green and blue
Lemon yellow, purple too.
All the colors that we know
Paint the sky in a rainbow.
Red and orange
Green and blue
Lemon yellow, purple too.
Adaptation: If you have fewer than six children, you may want to have each child hold two ribbons. Be sure the colors fall next to each other on the rainbow. You may also want to join in holding a ribbon(s).