- name cards
MA Standards:
Foundational Skills: RF.PK.MA.1.d: Recognize and name some uppercase letters of the alphabet and the lowercase letters in one’s own name.
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Literacy Knowledge/Print Concepts and Conventions: Recognizes print in everyday life, such as numbers, letters, one’s name, words, and familiar logos and signs.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts 7: Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.
Greeting Song: “Here We Are Together” #1
Tell children you are going to help them learn the names of all the children in their group.
Begin the first day with the greeting song “Here We Are Together.” As you sing each child’s name, hold up her or his name card and have the child stand.
This song helps children familiarize themselves with other children’s names and recognize their own names in print.
Here We Are Together
(sung to the tune of “Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?”)
Here we are together,
together, together.
Here we are together, together.
Here’s <child's name>, and <child's name>,
and <child's name>, and <child's name>,
and <child's name> (etc.)
Here we are together, together.