- Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (book)
- alphabet
- different
- lowercase
- same
- uppercase
MA Standards:
Foundational Skills/RF.PK.MA.1: With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of printed and written text: books, words, letters, and the alphabet.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Alphabet Knowledge: Recognizes that the letters of the alphabet are a special category of visual graphics that can be individually named.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 7: Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.
Watch Together: “Upper and Lowercase” (BTL clip)

Before You Watch
Hold up Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and open to the back page. Draw attention to the uppercase and lowercase letters. Tell children each letter of the alphabet can be written as a big letter, called an uppercase letter, or a little letter, called a lowercase letter.
- Point to the letters “Ss” and “Bb” and talk about how some uppercase and lowercase letters are the same shape and some are different.
Tell children they are going to watch the Between the Lions “Upper and Lowercase” video about big and little letters. Give children a viewing focus and have them look for the big letters (uppercase) and the little letters (lowercase).
After You Watch
Hold up Chicka Chicka Boom Boom again, and open to the back page.
- Have volunteers point to the uppercase letters.
- Then have other volunteers point to the lowercase letters.