- nonfiction books of various topics
- fact
- information
- library
MA Standards:
Reading for Informational Text/RI.P.MA.6: With prompting and support, “read” illustrations in an informational picture book by describing facts learned from the pictures.
Reading for Informational Text/RI.PK.MA.10: Listen actively as an individual and as a member of a group to a variety of age-appropriate informational texts read aloud.
Foundational Skills/RF.PK.MA.1: With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of printed and written text: books, words, letters, and the alphabet.
Head Start Outcomes:
Approaches to Learning/Initiative & Curiosity 2: Demonstrates eagerness to learn about and discuss a range of topics, ideas, and tasks.
Approaches to Learning/Initiative & Curiosity 3: Asks questions and seeks new information.
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation & Knowledge 1: Shows interest in shared reading experiences and looking at books independently.
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation & Knowledge 3: Asks and answers questions and makes comments about print materials.
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation & Knowledge 4: Demonstrates interest in different kinds of literature, such as fiction and non-fiction books and poetry, on a range of topics.
Literacy Knowledge/Print Concepts & Conventions 1: Recognizes print in everyday life, such as numbers, letters, one’s name, words, and familiar logos and signs.
Literacy Knowledge/Print Concepts & Conventions 2: Understands that print conveys meaning.
Logic & Reasoning/Problem Solving 4: Uses past knowledge to build new knowledge.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 1: Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
English Language Arts/Language 3: Communicate personal experiences or interests.
English Language Arts/Language 5: Listen to and use formal and informal language.
English Language Arts/Composition 20: Generate questions and gather information to answer their questions in various ways.
Science and Technology/Inquiry Skills 1: Ask and seek out answers to questions about objects and events with the assistance of interested adults.
Watch Together: “Look It Up” (BTL clip)

Display a selection of informational books in your Library Center. Introduce different types of books such as encyclopedias, photo essays, nonfiction, and concept books. Talk about how they are different from story books about fictional characters and events.
Before You Watch
Hold up an encyclopedia and explain what the term look it up means. Say, If I wondered about where elephants live, I can look up the the answer in a book.
- Emphasize that answers to some questions can be found in books, but many questions should be answered by exploring, observing, and asking questions.
- Then tell children they are going to watch a video clip about finding information in books, Between the Lions “Look It Up.”
As You Watch
Have children listen for all the different kinds of information that can be found in books. Pause periodically to reinforce information you can find in books, for example,
- Pause when a picture of the whale appears. Point to the whale and ask, Ask, What animal was the boy looking up in this book?
After You Watch
Direct children’s attention to the informational books in the Library Center of your setting. Ask,
- Can you tell me something you would like to find out more information about?
Have children dictate, draw, or record their responses. Choose one entry and help children look it up. You can revisit entries until all children's interests have been researched.
After the second viewing
Play the video a second time. Pause and clarify meaning of unfamiliar words.
- Pause on the word facts on the sign. Say, The boy wants to learn some facts. A fact is information that is true.