- favorite
MA Standards:
Literature/RL.PK.MA.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about a story or a poem read aloud.
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners during daily routines and play.
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation & Knowledge: Asks and answers questions and makes comments about print materials.
Social Emotional Development/Self-Concept and Self-Efficacy: Identifies personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts, and feelings.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 6: Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.
Read Together: Educator’s Choice, Unit 1, Week 2, #1
Read aloud one of your favorite books about the alphabet or about the library. Remind children that a favorite book is a book that you like so much that you like to read again and again.
Explain why the book is one of your favorites. Read the book straight through.
After reading, ask children if they enjoyed the book and why. Encourage them to share a title of their own favorite books.