- charts and children’s drawings from the week
- read-aloud books from the week
Review the Week Together: Unit 1, Week 2

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Look at and discuss children’s artwork, writing, and charts displayed around the room. Talk about what children did and learned this week, including their work in the Learning Centers. Display the read-aloud books from the week.
Review what children learned about the alphabet, the library, and exploring their world this week.
- Draw attention to the alphabet chart. Encourage children to share one thing they learned about the alphabet and the letters of the alphabet this week.
- Have children hold up their name cards. Have each child point to an uppercase letter and a lowercase letter in his or her name. Encourage child to say the letter name after you (or on thier own if they are able.)
- Ask childen to share something they learned about the library. Have them hold up their library cards. Ask, Why do you need to bring your library card to the library?
- Revisit the "Taking Care of Books" chart. Have children demonstrate how they take care of books in the Library Center.
- Revisit some of the ways children are like scientists when they explore their world. Encourage them to give examples of their observations in the discussion.
- Have children take turns telling what activity was their favorite this week and why.
- Congratulate children on working together and sharing new ideas they learned throughout the week.
Invite children to take turns naming their favorite activity from the week and to share what they liked about the activity.
Have children choose a favorite song about books, the alphabet, or the library to sing together as a group.