- objects of different materials (wooden blocks, tin cans, aluminum plates, etc.)
- count
- listen
MA Standards:
Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.1: Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.4: Count many kinds of concrete objects and actions up to ten, using one-to-one correspondence, and accurately count as many as seven things in a scattered configuration.
Head Start Outcomes:
Science Knowledge/Scientific Skills and Method: Uses senses and tools, including technology, to gather information, investigate materials, and observe processes and relationships.
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
Mathematics/Number Sense 1: Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Mathematics/Number Sense 2: Connect many kinds/quantities of concrete objects and actions to numbers.
Counting Sounds
Skill Focus: Follow Directions, Generate Sounds, Math (Counting), Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Give children different objects made of various materials so they can make sounds.
- Have one child close his or her eyes as another child chooses an object to generate sounds (clapping together, beating, tapping, scraping, etc.)
- Instruct the child with his or her eyes closed to listen and count the number of different sounds he or she hears.
- Then have children switch roles.
English Language Learners: Have children count with you in their home language as you raise your fingers one at a time. When children have said the number in their home language, say the number in English. Have children say the number in English after you. Repeat as children gain mastery.