- craft sticks or paint stirrers (1 for each child)
- plastic containers (empty, clean; with lids), tubes, boxes, bottles (1 object for each child)
- pencils (unsharpened; with erasers)
- scrape
- sound
- tap
MA Standards:
Language/L.PK.MA.6: Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, listening to books read aloud, activities, and play.
MA Draft STE Standards:
Physical Sciences/Matter and Its Interactions/Properties of Matter PS1.B: Differentiate between the properties of an object and those of the material of which it is made in science explorations and activities such as art and music.
Head Start Outcomes:
Logic and Reasoning/Reasoning and Problem Solving: Recognizes cause and effect relationships.
Logic and Reasoning/Reasoning and Problem Solving: Classifies, compares, and contrasts objects, events, and experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
Science and Technology/Technology and Engineering 23: Explore and describe a wide variety of natural and man-made materials through sensory experiences.
Small Group: More Tap and Scrape

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
STEM Key Concepts: Sounds have a source; Different objects make different sounds; An action has to happen to make a sound
ELA Focus Skills: Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Join small groups of children at the Science and Math Center to continue exploring sounds with the tap and scrape materials.
- Engage children in conversation as they investigate the different sounds they can create.
- Continue to record sounds and children’s comments about how they made each sound.
Take It Further: Create a classroom “How-to” book with children’s comments about how they made each sound. Create a page for each child. Sit with each child and ask him or her to name the type of sound they made (loud, soft), what they used to make it (can, stick, etc.) and how they made it (tap, scrape). Keep the book on display in the classroom for children to view in the Science and Math Center during the week.