- construction paper
- crayons
- markers
- sound books
- city
- country
- loud
- medium
- quiet
- soft
- sound
MA Standards:
WritingW.PK.MA.2: Use a combination of dictating and drawing to explain information about a topic.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Early Writing: Uses scribbles, shapes, pictures, and letters to represent objects, stories, experiences, or ideas.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Composition 16: Use their own words or illustrations to describe their experiences, tell imaginative stories, or communicate information about a topic of interest.
Sound Riddles

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Skill Focus: Concepts of Print, Vocabulary
Have children create sound riddles. Give each child a template on construction paper:
The sound I make is . (loud, medium, quiet, soft)
You can hear my sound in the . (city, country)
One word that describes my sound is . (“squeak,” “crack,” etc.)
First have children choose something from the week’s reading that makes sound. Have children draw the object on the blank side of the paper. Then turn the paper over and read each sentence template. Point to the words as you read them. Ask children to give an answer to each question that describes the sound made by the thing that they drew. Fill in the words for children and label their drawings.