- communicate
- loud
- quiet
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.2: Recall information for short periods of time and retell, act out, or represent information from a text read aloud, a recording, or a video (e.g., watch a video about birds and their habitats and make drawings or constructions of birds and their nests).
MA Draft STE Standards:
Physical Sciences/Matter and Its Interactions/PS4.B: Apply their understanding in their play of how to change volume and pitch of some sounds.
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Language Development/Expressive Language: Engages in communication and conversation with others.
Logic and Reasoning/Reasoning and Problem Solving: Classifies, compares, and contrasts objects, events, and experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
Watch Together: “Opposite Bunny: loud / quiet” (BTL clip)

STEM Key Concepts: Sounds vary in three ways: volume, pitch, and timbre
ELA Focus Skills: Active Viewing, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Tell children that you are going to watch a short video clip about a loud duck. Discuss how animals make sounds to communicate with other animals.
Then set a viewing focus for children by asking them to listen carefully to the sounds the duck is making and to think about why it is making those sounds. (to communicate with the chickens)
- Play the video clip Between the Lions “Opposite Bunny: loud/quiet.”
- Replay the video and have children make loud and quiet sounds along with the duck.
- After viewing, ask, Can you repeat the loud and quiet sounds in the video?