- country
- listen
- predict
- sound
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.2: Recall information for short periods of time and retell, act out, or represent information from a text read aloud, a recording, or a video (e.g., watch a video about birds and their habitats and make drawings or constructions of birds and their nests).
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Language Development/Expressive Language: Engages in communication and conversation with others.
Logic and Reasoning/Reasoning and Problem Solving: Classifies, compares, and contrasts objects, events, and experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
Watch Together: “Night in the Country” (BTL show)

STEM Key Concepts: Different objects make different sounds
ELA Focus Skills: Active Listening, Active Viewing, Compare and Contrast, Listening and Speaking, Making Connections, Vocabulary
Tell children they will be watching the video Between the Lions “Night in the Country.” Set a viewing focus for children by asking them to listen to the various country sounds in the video.
Before You Watch
Review the story. Introduce the video by telling children that in the video, Click the mouse reads the story “Night in the Country” to Lionel and Leona to help them fall asleep. Ask, Why do you think this is a good story to read at bedtime?
As You Watch
Model active viewing by pausing to introduce characters, describe actions, and review night sounds.
- Pause the video on the first page of the story. Ask children what they see in the night sky and what sounds they think they might hear.
- Pause and have children identify sounds they hear in the video.
- Pause and have children predict sounds they think they might hear when you turn the video on again
After You Watch
Focus on the sounds children hear in the video. Ask,
- What were some of the sounds you heard in the video?
- Have you heard those sounds before? Where have you heard these sounds?
- Do you think you will hear these sounds in the daytime? Why do you think that?
Take It Further: Talk about what a raccoon is and what sounds it might make at night. Pause on the page with the raccoon. Point to the raccoon and explain that raccoons are animals that are awake at night and asleep during the day. Say, Look closely at the raccoon’s face. What does the raccoon’s face look like? (a mask) Explain that the dark fur around its eyes may help the animal see at night by blocking glare. Ask, What do you think raccoons do in the night?