- letter card “Nn”
- count
- loud
- noisy
- quiet
- sound
MA Standards:
Literature/RL.PK.MA.1: With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about a story or a poem read aloud.
Literature/RL.PK.MA.9: With prompting and support, make connections between a story or poem and one’s own experiences.
Literature/RL.PK.MA.3: With prompting and support, act out characters and events from a story or poem read aloud.
Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.1: Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation and Knowledge: Asks and answers questions and makes comments about print materials.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 6: Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 10: Engage actively in read-aloud activities by asking questions, offering ideas, predicting or retelling important parts of a story or informational book.
Mathematics/Number Sense 1: Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Read Together: City Lullaby #2
STEM Key Concepts: Sounds have a source; Different objects make different sounds; Sounds vary in three ways: volume, pitch, and timbre
ELA Focus Skills: Active Listening, Concepts of Print, Counting, Letter Recognition, Vocabulary
Reread City Lullaby by Marilyn Singer. Tell children the book is about sounds but it is also about numbers. Have children listen to the sounds and how many sounds each object makes.
Before You Read
Discuss the illustration and the busy city.
- Ask children what sounds they might hear on this busy city street.
- Do you think you will hear only one of each sound?
As You Read
Pause after each page to look at the left-hand illustration.
- Point to and have children join in as you count the number of sounds on each page.
- Do you think these sounds are loud or quiet sounds?
After You Read
Discuss all the different things you focused on while reading City Lullaby: noisy sounds, rhyming words, and number words.
- Review the illustrations and have children make the number of sounds on each page, for example, beep ten times, make nine jingle sounds, etc.