- basket filled with play food (in quantities that can be divided into three equal portions)
- Bear Snores On (book)
- three or more paper or plastic plates
- count
- same
- share
MA Standards:
Mathematics/Counting and Cardinality/PK.CC.MA.1: Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Head Start Outcomes:
Logic and Reasoning/Symbolic Representation: Represents people, places, or things through drawings, movement, and three-dimensional objects.
PreK Guidelines:
Mathematics/Number Sense 1: Listen to and say the names of numbers in meaningful contexts.
Divvy Up!

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Skill Focus: Counting, Following Directions, Speaking and Listening
Reread the page in Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson where Badger divvies up and shares his honey-nuts.
Explain that Badger divvies up or divides the nuts so each friend has the same number of nuts. Show children how to divvy up or divide.
- Set out three paper plates.
- Ask children how they would divide up the food so that everyone gets the same amount.
- Begin by putting one piece of play food on each plate.
- When finished, ask, How many pieces did each plate get? How many pieces are left? What should we do next?
Put the pieces of play food back in the basket and invite children to practice divvying them up on plates so that each plate has the same amount.