- Bear Snores On (book)
- cave
- listen
- sound
- wake
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.2: Recall information for short periods of time and retell, act out, or represent information from a text read aloud, a recording, or a video (e.g., watch a video about birds and their habitats and make drawings or constructions of birds and their nests).
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
Language Development/Expressive Language: Engages in communication and conversation with others.
Logic and Reasoning/Reasoning and Problem Solving: Classifies, compares, and contrasts objects, events, and experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
Watch Together: “Bear Snores On” (BTL show)

STEM Key Concepts: Sounds have a source; Sounds vary in three ways: volume, pitch, and timbre
ELA Focus Skills: Active Viewing, Making Connections, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary
Before You Watch
Hold up the book Bear Snores On by Karma Wilson and tell children they are going to watch the video based on the book. Emphasize that children will be able to hear the sound words in the video as the narrator tells the story. Set a viewing focus for children by encouraging them to listen closely to all the sounds in the story.
As You Watch
Pause the video a few times and talk about some of the sounds in the cave.
- Pause the video when you first see the bear and have children describe what they hear.
- Pause where the mouse lights the fire. Point to the fire and ask, Can you hear a sound that comes from the fire? What do you think the sound is? Explain that a fire makes a crackling sound as the wood burns.
- Pause the video as the bear is waking up. Ask, What sounds does the bear make when he wakes up? Invite children to gnarl, snarl, roar, rumble, jump, stomp, growl, and grumble like the bear.
- Then ask children what sounds they make when they wake up in the morning.
After You Watch
Talk about the story with children. Ask questions such as,
- What are some of the sounds the animals make in the cave? Do you think it would be hard to sleep through all those noises?
- Ask, Have you ever felt grumpy when someone wakes you up? What does your voice sound like when this happens? Have children act out how they feel when woken up. Then replay the bear’s sounds. Ask, Does the bear make the same sounds as you when you are woken?
- Can you describe some sounds that might wake you up when you are sleeping?