- children's rubber band instruments (from Discovery Time)
- rhythm
- sound
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening: SL.PK.MA.1a Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (e.g., taking turns in talking, listening to peers, waiting to speak until another person is finished talking, asking questions and waiting for an answer, gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
Foundational Skills: RF.PK.MA.2 With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
Head Start Outcomes:
Social Emotional Development/Self-Regulation Follows simple rules, routines, and directions.
Language Development/Receptive Language Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 1 Observe and use appropriate ways of interacting in a group (taking turns in talking; listening to peers; waiting until someone is finished; asking questions and waiting for an answer; gaining the floor in appropriate ways).
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 12 Listen to, recite, sing, and dramatize a variety of age-appropriate literature.
Recite Together: “Violet in the Crib”
ELA Focus Skills: Concepts of Print, Phonological Awareness (Rhythm and Repetition), Vocabulary
Educator Prep: Write the words of the poem on chart paper.
Recite the poem “Violet in the Crib” two or three times aloud while stressing the rhythm and the sound words.
- Once children are familiar with the words and the rhythm, or pattern, of the poem, have small groups of children say the sound words in one or two verses. Allow time for individual groups to practice their parts with you so they can say them in unison and with some rhythm.
- Read the poem once more, and have each group chime in when it comes to their verse(s). You might want them to use their rubber band instruments to add sound as they recite.
Violet in the Crib
Violet in the crib went
Boom- Shake, Beat- Shake
Boom- Shake, Beat- Shake
All day long.
Violet at two went
Whah Woo Woo
Whah Woo Woo
All day long.
Violet at the beach went
Plink Plink Pluck Pluck Pluck
Plink Plink Pluck Pluck Pluck
All day long.
Violet at the park went
Twang Twang Yeah Yeah Twang Twang Yeah
Twang Twang Yeah Yeah Twang Twang Yeah
All day long.
Violet in the band went
Shake Twang Pink Pluck Whah Woo Yeah!
Shake Twang Pink Pluck Whah Woo Yeah!
All day long.