- chart paper
- construction paper
- crayons
- markers
- loud
- musical instrument
- noisy
- quiet
- soft
- whisper
MA Standards:
Writing: W.PK.MA.2 Use a combination of dictating and drawing to explain information about a topic.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Early Writing Uses scribbles, shapes, pictures, and letters to represent objects, stories, experiences, or ideas.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Composition 16 Use their own words or illustrations to describe their experiences, tell imaginative stories, or communicate information about a topic of interest.
Draw and Write Together: Noisy and Quiet

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
ELA Focus Skills: Concepts of Print, Creative Expression, Listening and Speaking
Replay the lion segment of the Between the Lions video “Violet’s Music.” Introduce the activity; say, When the lion family is in the library, the mother lion, Cleo, suggests that Lionel play with his band on the rooftop and not in the library. Why do you think Cleo wants him to play on the rooftop?
Then talk about noisy places, or places where you hear lots of loud sounds. (playground, parade, concert) Then talk about quiet places, or places where you don't hear a lot of loud sounds. (library, classroom, hospital) Record children’s responses on chart paper. Ask questions such as,
- In which place do you think you could play a loud musical instrument? Why?
- In which place do you think you would need to use a whisper voice? Why?
After children have had time to talk and discuss, ask them to draw themselves playing their instrument in one of the places they listed. Have them dictate or write to complete the following sentence frame: I can make _____ (loud/soft) sounds at/in the _____ (location).