- toy instruments
- instrument
- music
- pluck
MA Standards:
Literature: RL.PK.MA.8.a Respond with movement or clapping to a regular beat in poetry or song.
Foundational Skills: RF.PK.MA.2.c Identify the initial sound of a spoken word and, with guidance and support, generate several other words that have the same initial sound.
Head Start Outcomes:
Social Emotional Development/Self-Regulation Follows simple rules, routines, and directions.
Literacy Knowledge/Phonological Awareness Identifies and discriminates between sounds and phonemes in language, such as attention to beginning and ending sounds of words and recognition that different words begin or end with the same sound.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 8 Listen to, identify, and manipulate language sounds to develop auditory discrimination and phonemic awareness.
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 14 Recognize and supply rhythm and rhyme in poetry.
Sing Together: “My Mom Makes Music”

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
ELA Focus Skills: Phonological Awareness (Alliteration, Beginning Sounds, Rhythm)
Tell children you are going to sing and make music to a new song.
Chant the first two lines of “My Mom Makes Music.”
- Then repeat the lines very slowly, asking children to pluck their guitar each time they hear a word that begins with the /m/ sound, like music.
- Teach the song as an alliterative chant, then sing it. Invite children to play their instruments during the chorus “La-la-la-la-la . . . .”
My Mom Makes Music
(sung to the tune of “The Mexican Hat Dance”)
On Monday, my mom makes music.
My mom makes music with me.
On Monday, my mom makes music.
My mom makes music with me.
Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma Ma-ma
Ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma Ma-ma