- Jazz Baby (book)
- pictures of jazz instruments
- rubber band instruments
- tubes
- bass
- cymbal
- drum
- percussionist
- saxophone
- tempo
- trumpet
- vibration
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Literature/RL.PK.MA.6 With prompting and support, “read” the illustrations in a picture book by describing a character or place depicted, or by telling how a sequence of events unfolds.
English Language Arts/Literature/RL.PK.MA.4 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unfamiliar words in a story or poem read aloud.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Print Concepts and Conventions Understands conventions, such as print moves from left to right and top to bottom of a page.
Literacy Knowledge/Book Appreciation and Knowledge Recognizes how books are read, such as front-to-back and one page at a time, and recognizes basic characteristics, such as title, author, and illustrator.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 6 Listen to a wide variety of age appropriate literature read aloud.
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 10 Engage actively in read-aloud activities by asking questions, offering ideas, predicting or retelling important parts of a story or informational book.
One-on-One Reading: Jazz Baby #3
Skill Focus: Story Comprehension, Vocabulary, Make Connections
Read aloud Jazz Baby by Lisa Wheeler to individuals and small groups.
As you read, pause to encourage children to make connections between the story events and their own lives. Ask, Have you ever sung songs with your family? Have you ever danced to music with your family? Do you and your (mother, father, sister, etc.) have a favorite song you like to listen to together?
Display picture of jazz instruments for children to look at. Talk about the instruments and how they make sound.