- drums and other toy instruments
- Jazz Baby (book)
- rubber band guitars
- pattern
- rhythm
- sound
MA Standards:
Literature: RL.PK.MA.8.a Respond with movement or clapping to a regular beat in poetry or song.
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Expressive Language Uses language to express ideas and needs.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
Mathematics/Patterns and Relations 9 Recognize, describe, reproduce, extend, create, and compare repeating patterns of concrete materials.
Play Together: Clap Jazz Baby Rhythms

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
STEM Key Concepts: Sounds have a source (A sound can be tracked to its source.); An action has to happen to make a sound
ELA Focus Skills: Phonological Awareness (Rhythm and Repetition), Creative Movement, Fine Motor Skills, Making Connections
Read aloud a few pages of Jazz Baby and emphasize the rhythm of the words. Ask children, Do you notice anything about the sounds? Explain that the words in Jazz Baby create a rhythm. Say, Rhythm is like a pattern of sounds. Those sounds repeat over and over.
Reread the pages and this time clap the rhythm of the words for children to hear. Invite children to clap along with you.
Take It Further: Encourage children to create their own rhythms using their bodies or their instruments. Ask, Are the sounds you’re making high or low (loud or soft)?
English Language Learners: As you clap together, say and emphasize the word clap. Have children repeat the word after they clap. After clapping a pattern, emphasize and say the word rhythm. Have children repeat the word rhythm after they clap a pattern.