MA Standards:
Foundational Skills/RF.PK.MA.3: Demonstrate beginning understanding of phonics and word analysis skills.
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Comprehends different grammatical structures or rules for using language.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 15: Listen to, recognize, and use a broad vocabulary of sensory words.
Word Play: Word Parts
ELA Focus Skills: Word Recognition
Hold up Mama Zooms and tell children you are going to say some words from the book. Say, Listen carefully. Each word has two parts. I’m going to say each part of the word very slowly. Then we will put the two parts together to make one word.
- Say bed-time slowly, pausing a few seconds between the two word parts. Have children guess what the word means. Then say, The word bedtime means the time of day when you go to bed. Ask children to say the word bed-time with you, pausing a few seconds between the two word parts. Then have them say the two word parts together: bedtime.
- Repeat the process with the words racehorse (a horse that races/runs fast) and boardwalk (a path or walkway made of wooden boards).
Adaptation: If children need more practice with compound words, help them identify the separate words within other familiar compound words, such as moonlight, stoplight, crosswalk, and football. Use photos or pictures of compound words to visually connect the two words for children (the moon lighting up in the sky; person stopping at the stoplight; people walking across a crosswalk, etc.)