- “What’s Your Name? (u)” (BTL clip)
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Speaking and Listening/SL.PK.MA.2: Recall information for short periods of time and retell, act out, or represent information from a text read aloud, a recording, or a video (e.g., watch a video about birds and their habitats and make drawings or constructions of birds and their nests).
Head Start Outcomes:
Language Development/Receptive Language: Attends to language during conversations, songs, stories, or other learning experiences.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to the ideas of others, and ask and answer relevant questions.
“What’s Your Name? (/u/)” #2 (BTL clip)

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care. All rights reserved.
Skill Focus: Active Listening, Phonological Awareness, Speaking and Listening
As children watch the video, have then repeat the names that have a /u/ sound.
After viewing, ask, What sound did you hear in each word? (/u/) What letter makes the /u/ sound? (“Uu”)
Let children watch the video again and bop, sing, or clap to the rhythm. Have them say any names they recognize when they appear.