- balls (small) (one for each child)
- ramp
- block
- down
- move
- ramp
- roll
- slide
MA Standards:
Speaking and Listening: SL.PK.MA.1: Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners during daily routines and play.
Head Start Outcomes:
Approaches to Learning/Persistence and Attentiveness: Maintains interest in a project or activity until completed.
Approaches to Learning/Persistence and Attentiveness: Resists distractions, maintains attention, and continues the task at hand through frustration or challenges.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Language 4: Engage in play experiences that involve naming and sorting common words into various classifications using general and specific language.
Play Together: Roll, Roll, Slide!

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
ELA Focus Skills: Follow Directions, Gross Motor Skills, Vocabulary
Educator Prep: Set up a small ramp in the center of the circle with a block at the top of it.
Play a game of “Roll, Roll, Slide!” (a version of the game “Duck, Duck, Goose”) with children. Tell children one child will be the "mover." Explain that the "mover" goes around the circle tapping each child on the head while saying a word that describes how an object moves down the slide. Now explain the rules of the game.
- Designate one child to be the “mover.” Assure children they will all have a chance at being the “mover.”
- The “mover” walks slowly around the circle and lightly taps each child on the head and says “roll.” Then everyone rolls their ball to the child next to them (designate right or left). After tapping a few “rolls” the "mover" taps the next child and says “slide.”
- Explain that the child tapped jumps up and runs round the circle once and into the middle of the circle. Say, Then you will slide the block down the ramp in the middle of the circle. After you slide the block, the “mover” will sit down in your space and you become the next “mover.”
Demonstrate the game with a volunteer before beginning.
Educator Tip: Be sure to discuss game rules for tapping gently, running carefully, and keeping safe space between other children sitting in circle.