- letter card “Hh”
MA Standards:
English Language Arts/Foundational Skills/RF.PK.MA.1.d: Recognize and name some uppercase letters of the alphabet and the lowercase letters in one’s own name.
Head Start Outcomes:
Literacy Knowledge/Alphabet Knowledge: Recognizes that the letters of the alphabet are a special category of visual graphics that can be individually named.
Literacy Knowledge/Early Writing: Copies, traces, or independently writes letters or words.
PreK Learning Guidelines:
English Language Arts/Reading and Literature 7: Develop familiarity with the forms of alphabet letters, awareness of print, and letter forms.
PW50: The older toddler engages in a variety of physical activities.
Learn About Letters Together: Hold Hands for "Hh"

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
ELA Focus Skills: Follow Directions, Gross Motor Skills, Letter Formation, Letter Recognition, Speaking and Listening
Display the letter card “Hh” and trace the uppercase “H.” Have children work together to make a letter “H” with their bodies. Say, We are going to use our bodies to make the uppercase letter “H.” How can you and your partner make an uppercase “H”?
- Choose a pair of children to help you demonstrate.
- Ask them to stand side-by-side, facing you, with their hands at their sides.
- Ask them to take four steps away from each other.
- Point to the letter “Hh” card and guide children to see that the partners have made the two lines that go down and up.
- Say, Now, bend the arm closest to your partner. Reach out your hand and take your partner’s hand. You’ve just made an uppercase “H”!
- Organize all the children into pairs and have each pair form an “H.”