- charts and children’s drawings from the week
- read-aloud books from the week
Review the Week Together: Unit 5, Week 4

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.
Display the read-aloud books Samantha on a Roll by Linda Ashman and Ten On the Sled by Kim Norman. Look at and acknowledge children’s artwork, writing, and charts displayed around the room. Then talk about what children did and learned this week, including their work in the centers. For example, say,
- This week we read a book about a girl who tries out her new roller skates and collides with obstacles all over town. Tell me what happens when a rolling object hits an obstacle.
- We explored ramps and obstacles, just like scientists do. Tell me one change we made while exploring ramps and obstacles?
- We clapped the syllables in our names. Tell me how many syllables are in your name.
- We also learned about the letter “Hh” and we talked about the words that begin with /h. like the word hill. Tell me another word that with the letter /h/ sound .
Let children choose a favorite rhyme or song from the week to recite or sing together.