Bouncy Time


Bouncy Time

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care. All rights reserved.

Lap songs are bouncing rhymes that let your baby feel rhythm with her whole body and hear it at the same time. Bounce your baby gently on your knee or lap or hold her tight in your arms and sing or chant rhymes.

You can have fun with bouncing rhymes at the playground, as you wait at the doctor's office, or to help your child transition from one routine to another. Here's one to try:

Trot, Trot, Trot to Boston

(Start by holding your baby as she sits on your knees facing you)

Trot, trot, trot to Boston
(Gently bounce baby on your knees)

Trot, trot, trot to Lynn.
(Gently bounce again)

Watch out, Baby (or say your baby’s name)
(Gently bounce knees again)

You’re going to fall in!
(Open your knees and lower baby gently down between them and then lift her back up)

Pause before your bounce changes to a dip or a lift to see if your baby can anticipate what’s going to happen. Watch for signs that she wants to do it again or that she has had enough. If she enjoys bouncy time, ask your librarian to recommend more songs.

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