- device for playing music
- household objects such as: water bottle filled with rice, box with rubber bands, plastic containers with various items inside, aluminum pie plates
- recorded music (CDs, playlists, etc.)
Listening Station
Listening to songs and making music lets your child creatively express her ideas and feelings.
Set up a listening station where your child can listen, dance, draw, and play along with the music.
- Select an area of your house to be your child’s listening station. Place music-making objects (see materials list), CDs, and a device for listening in the area.
- Set out paper and art supplies to encourage your child to draw as she is listening to different types of music. Talk with her about how listening to fast or slow music influences what and how she draws.
- During your daily routines (bedtime, dinner time, etc.), play different types of music. Talk with her about how she feels when she listens to different types of music. Are there times when she prefers one type of music?
If possible, take a video of your child dancing to or drawing along with the music. Before bedtime, watch the video together and marvel at her creativity, compliment her on her dance movements, or admire her expressive drawing in response to different types of music.