Captain Baby


Captain Baby

© Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Early Education and Care (Jennifer Waddell photographer). All rights reserved.

Your baby is ready to see the world. When you play airplane, you can give him a bird’s-eye view.

  • Hold your baby across your forearms like you are carrying a platter.
  • Raise your arms up and down as you circle the room or the yard.
  • Make airplane noises as you lift and dive, and change your voice to sound like a pilot in a cockpit as you describe the takeoff, flight, and the gentle (but a little bouncy) landing on the sofa or bed.

Your baby might also like a trip on a rocket ship.

  • Squat down and hold him around the torso. As you rise up, start rumbling and then make a quick sound blast as you raise baby to the ceiling—Liftoff!
  • Pretend to be “mission control” as you talk to your baby and give him a tour. (For this activity, make sure your baby can support his head, and clear all hazards from the floor.)
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