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Found 37 results. Showing 1 of 2 pages.

A Windy Day

Go outside on a windy day. Help children become aware of things being moved around by the wind.

Baby Face

Babies love babies! Share books with your baby that contain pictures of people, especially babies.

Bouncy Time

Try a song or a rhyme as you bounce your baby on your knee or hold her in your arms.

Changing Textures

Explore how the texture and consistency of foods can change as you make a snack with children. Expand the exploration to include dry/wet sand or mud.

Color Mix

Playing with paints is a great way to let your toddler express herself, experiment, and have fun.

Colors, Shapes, and More

Nonfiction for toddlers? Yes! Concept books about shapes, colors, numbers, and other topics, helps your child learn about the world around her.

Count Your Fingers and Toes!

Use your baby’s fascination with fingers and toes to have fun counting.

Different Ways to Play

Help children master new skills, remember new ideas, and investigate the world. Find opportunities to include new concepts, ideas, and words in their play in different ways.

Everyday Toys

Toys don’t have to be fancy or store-bought to bring hours of entertainment for your toddler.

Face to Face

You and your baby have a lot to talk about! Sit face to face to start the conversation.

Family Photo Book

Your baby will love “reading” a family photo book—or any kind of simple, homemade book you create.

Finger Play

Try these fun songs as you move your hands to go with the words

How Does It Feel?

Introduce babies to new and different textures as you explore natural and man-made materials and objects together.

Let’s Pretend

Playing pretend games is a great way to learn and practice new words with your toddler.

Light Show

Go outside and explore light on a sunny day. Play shadow games and explore what happens when light passes through colored water. 

Move to the Groove

Music is a great way to get your baby moving and sets the stage for later fitness.

Nature Walk

Taking a walk together outside—in the city or the country—offers so many ways to explore, learn, discover, and investigate!

Noisy Reading!

For active toddlers, find books that that they can touch-and-feel, scratch-and-sniff, and lift up flaps and windows.


Playing Peek-a-Boo is not only fun, but helps your baby make an exciting discovery: things are still there when she can’t see them!

Poetry in Motion

Nursery rhymes and poetry for little ones offer rich language, new words, and patterns of language.

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