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  • 3-5 Years


  • Plants We Eat

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  • Educators

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  • 3-5 Years


  • Plants We Eat



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  • 20-30


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  • 20-30


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Found 11 results.

Explore Together (indoors): Edible and Nonedible Plants

Discuss plants children can and cannot eat. Have them continue to explore their plants and record changes in their science notebooks.

Explore Together (indoors): Exploring Vegetables

Let children freely explore a variety of vegetables and compare them to the plants they are growing.

Explore Together (indoors): Leaf and Root Salad

Review the vegetables from the week and make a leaf and root vegetable salad to eat.

Explore Together (indoors): Revisit Our Bean Plants

Have children return to their bean plants to explore and record changes in the plants.

Explore Together (indoors): Sort Seeds and More Seeds

Have children identify which fruit or vegetable seeds come from. Have them sort the seeds in different ways.

Explore Together (indoors): Taste and Compare

Have children compare plant foods by having them taste, smell, feel, and look at fruits and vegetables.   

Explore Together (outdoors): Animal Signs

Take children outside to explore plants and look for evidence that animals have been eating the plants.   

Explore Together (outdoors): Measuring Up

Have children check and measure their sprouts. Then observe and measure the plants they repotted outside.

Explore Together (outdoors): Plants on the Ground #2

Have children collect plant parts on the ground and compare them to the sprouts they are growing inside.

Explore Together (outdoors): Sort the Travelers

Have children sort seeds by how they travel.   

Explore Together (outdoors): Visit a Community Garden

Take children to a community garden to let them observe growing plants.  

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