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Found 53 results. Showing 1 of 3 pages.

“ABCD Watermelon” #1 (BTL game)

Children play Between the Lions “ABCD Watermelon”, an interactive game that asks them to choose what letter comes next.

Build a Library

Encourage children to use blocks to build things they might find in a library.

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Role-Play

Have children act out the story of an alphabet climbing a coconut tree.

Decorate and Match Uppercase and Lowercase Letters

Have children decorate and match pairs of uppercase and lowercase letters.

Draw and Write Together: My Name

Help children identify the letters in their name.

Draw and Write Together: Reasons to Read

Discuss and write about children’s favorite books and reasons they like to read.

Draw and Write Together: Taking Care of Books

Discuss how to care for books.

Draw and Write Together: What Did We See?

Have children draw to record an observation they made outside.

Explore Together (indoors): Big and Little Letters

Help children sort big (uppercase) and little (lowercase) letters. 

Explore Together (indoors): Explore the Library

Take a field trip to a local library, allowing children to explore.

Explore Together (indoors): Letter Hunt

Place letter cards around the room and send children on a letter hunt.

Explore Together (outdoors): Let’s Be Scientists!

Guide children as they explore and observe outdoors using skills like a scientist.

Explore Together (outdoors): Letter Hunt

Explore and talk about places where children might find letters outside.

Family Connection: Unit 1, Week 2, #1

Send a Family Connection letter home with children.

Family Connection: Unit 1, Week 2, #2

Send drawings and photographs home with children and encourage them to discuss them with family members.

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #1

Help children learn the names of others in their group and recognize their own names in print.

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #2

Help children learn other children’s names and recognize their own names in print.

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #3

Sing a song to help children recognize and learn names of other childen in their group.

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #4

Help children become familiar with names of others in the group through song.  

Greeting Song: “Where Is?” #5

Help children learn other children’s names and recognize their own names in print.

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