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  • 3-5 Years

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  • 3-5 Years


  • Plants We Eat


  • Plants We Eat





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Development Level

  • 3-5 Years

Development Level

  • 3-5 Years


Found 7 results.

Watch Together: “Colorful Food” (BTL clip) #2

Play the video Between the Lions “Colors and Food.” Have children name other plants that are the same color as the plants in the video.

Watch Together: “Doo Wop (short /a/)” (BTL clip)

Watch the video Between the Lions “Doo Wop (short a).” Clap the syllables in some of the words. 

Watch Together: “Fred Says: vacuum” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Fred Says: vacuum.” Have children clap the word parts in vacuum.

Watch Together: “What’s Your Name (a)” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “What’s Your Name (a).” Have children listen to for names in the video.  

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘f’” (BTL clip)

Play the video Between the Lions “Words Beginning with ‘f.’” Have children repeat the /f/ words.

Watch Together: “Words Beginning with ‘v’” (BTL clip)

Play the Between the Lions video “Words Beginning with ‘v.’” Have children repeat the /v/ words. 

Watch Together: “You Never Hear the Garden Grow” (BTL clip) #2

Play the Between the Lions video “You Never Hear the Garden Grow.” Have children act out the movements.

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