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  • Houses & Homes

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  • Houses & Homes



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  • 30-60


  • Indoor

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Found 9 results.

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Bridge

Have children work in pairs to build their bridges.  

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Cup Tower

Children continue to build towers using different materials. Test each tower’s stability.

Explore Together (indoors): Build a House for a Toy

Have children make houses for toys. Focus them on the size of the house so the toys fit inside.

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Representation

Have children build a representation of the building they saw.

Explore Together (indoors): Build a Tower

Have children build towers out of blocks. Have them draw a picture to record their tower.

Explore Together (indoors): Build with Different Materials

Challenge children to recreate their houses, bridges, and 3-D representations using different materials.

Explore Together (indoors): Building More Towers

Have children continue to explore using different materials to build towers.

Explore Together (indoors): The Huff and Puff Test

Build straw, stick, and brick houses and try to blow them over. Encourage children to document their observations by drawing, writing, or dictating to you.

Small Group: Build a Shape House

Have children glue shapes on paper to build shape houses.

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