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Found 18 results.

Babble Talk

Get up close and engage in babble talk conversations with babies. Babies practice sounds by lip-reading, so let them watch your mouth as you talk. 

Back and Forth, Up and Down

Move a baby’s arms up and down and back and forth or count his fingers and toes as you use songs, chants, and nursery rhymes to introduce patterns and counting games.

Bigger and Bigger

Support babies as they figure out how to fit smaller boxes into larger ones or stack objects on top of one another.

Book Time

Engage babies in reading right from the start. Read to babies, but let them explore books with their eyes, mouths, and fingers, too!

Get "In Tune"

Engage in back-and-forth “talks” with a baby and get in tune with her voice, expressions, and body language as she communicates with you.

Hide and Seek

Play hide-and-seek games with babies to help them learn that things and people exist even when they can’t be seen.

How Does It Feel?

Introduce babies to new and different textures as you explore natural and man-made materials and objects together.

In the Mirror

Give a baby a mirror and join him in the fun. Make silly faces, clap to a tune, point out body parts, or watch as he babbles to his new “friend.”

Let’s Laugh

Ask family members to share what makes their baby laugh. Make a book of “laughing baby” ideas and share it with families and colleagues.

Make Your Mark

Have babies explore different materials with their hands, feet, fingers, and toes to help them exercise their pre-writing muscles.

More . . . More . . . Too Many

Hand a baby more objects than she can hold to help a baby develop a strong sense of numbers. Play the game as you use lots of math vocabulary—here’s one toy, here’s one more, let’s count how many, and so on.

My Family Book

Create a book of favorite people for each baby. Use photos of their families and friends. “Read” the book together by talking about the pictures. 

Play and Explore

Guide a baby’s exploration—or just follow her lead—as she learns about her world with her eyes, ears, hands, mouths, and actions.

Reading Gestures

Tune into a baby’s gestures and imitate them. Give her the words to go along with the gestures and when she’s ready, she’ll be able to use the words on her own.

Songs for Routines and Transitions

Play or sing simple songs during daily routines or transition times. Babies will begin to recognize the songs and connect them to specific routines or transitions.

Tell Stories

Engage babies with stories during your daily routines. Use interesting words and longer sentences as you create your stories. 

Use Your Hands

Play hand and finger games with babies during regular routines to help them strengthen small motor muscle and learn to use their hands.

Water, Water, Everywhere

Let babies explore water. Join in as they explore and help them build their science vocabulary by giving them words to describe their actions.

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