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  • 3-5 Years


Found 8 results.

Explore Together (indoors): Responding to Sound

Invite children to create their own music by responding to the sounds they hear indoors. Provide various materials and help children identify and imitate sounds.

Small Group: High and Low Material Sounds

Have children use various materials instead of their voices to continue exploring high and low sounds. Encourage children to work in pairs and to take turns.

Small Group: Making Group Music

In preparation for Music Day, have children listen to music and perform it in a group. Encourage small groups to try different volumes, pitches, and instruments.

Small Group: Making Music

Continue sharing and exploring making music in small groups. Invite the class as a group to give a concert of the sounds they made.

Small Group: More Tube Talk

Join small groups of children as they continue to explore listening and talking with tubes at the Math and Science Center.  Help them explore vibrations as well.

Small Group: New Rubber Band Guitar

Have children join you in making rubber band guitars.

Small Group: Rubber Band Guitars

Have children continue plucking the rubber band guitars and watching the rubber bands move and vibrate.  Talk about other things that vibrate to make sound.

Small Group: Tube Sounds

Join small groups of children as they explore listening with tubes at the Science and Math Center. Engage them in conversation and notice what captures their attention.

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