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  • Plants

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Found 10 results.

Build a Garden

Have children build a block garden using craft foam as the dirt, blocks for a wall, and plastic flowers.

Draw and Write Together: My Garden

Have children draw a garden. Have them write or dictate what their plants need.

Draw and Write Together: My Kitchen

Explain how spices come from plants. Have children draw, write, or dictate a window box with plants they would want in their kitchen window.

Draw and Write Together: The Seasons of the Year

Discuss characteristics of seasons. Have children draw pictures of the different seasons outdoors and dictate or label the correct season for each picture.

Draw and Write Together: Updating Our Science Notebooks

Have children draw a picture in their science notebooks and dictate an entry to go with the picture.

Draw and Write Together: “Worms” Chart

Have children draw and dictate or write a fact they learned about how worms help plants.

Helping Hands

Help children trace their handprints and have each child draw, dictate, or write on way he or she helps takes care of plants during the day. 

Plant Collage

Have children create collages using drawing materials and plant objects they collected from outside.

Plants Here and There

Point out different environments plants grow in when you are out and about—such as in the park, by a pond, or in the woods.

Watch It Grow

Plant seeds with your child. Let him be responsible for watering them to help him learn what plants need to live and grow.

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