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Found 666 results. Showing 17 of 34 pages.

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Bb”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Bb.”

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Dd”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Dd.”

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Uu”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Uu.”

Learn About Letters Together: Tracing (“Ww”)

Give each child a copy of the word water to trace the “W.”  

Learn About Letters Together: Uppercase Sort

Provide a set of uppercase ABC squares. Have children put the letters in cups with the matching letter.

Learn About Letters Together: Words with ("y")

Review the letter "y" and have children find words that have the letter "y."

Learn About Letters Together: Writing (“Dd”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Dd.”

Learn About Letters Together: Writing (“Rr”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Rr.”

Learn About Letters Together: Writing (“Ww”)

Help children practice writing the letter “Ww.”

Learn About Sounds Together: Letter Sound (/e/)

Have children listen for words that begin with the letter sound /e/. Encourage children to generate words.     

Let’s Laugh

Ask family members to share what makes their baby laugh. Make a book of “laughing baby” ideas and share it with families and colleagues.

Let’s Pretend

Playing pretend games is a great way to learn and practice new words with your toddler.

Letter About Letters Together: Word Hunt (dam, river)

Have children look for the letters “Dd” and “Rr” and the words dam and river in the classroom.

Light Show

Go outside and explore light on a sunny day. Play shadow games and explore what happens when light passes through colored water. 

Look in the Mirror

A mirror is a great way to talk about what your toddler sees, make silly faces, and name things!

Make Your Mark

Have babies explore different materials with their hands, feet, fingers, and toes to help them exercise their pre-writing muscles.

Math in the Bath

Once your baby can sit up, bathtime becomes a great time to play and learn.

Measuring Tools

Introduce math tools to toddlers and let them explore measuring, pouring, filling, and emptying one material into another.

More . . . More . . . Too Many

Hand a baby more objects than she can hold to help a baby develop a strong sense of numbers. Play the game as you use lots of math vocabulary—here’s one toy, here’s one more, let’s count how many, and so on.

Move to the Groove

Music is a great way to get your baby moving and sets the stage for later fitness.

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