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Found 29 results. Showing 2 of 2 pages.

Recite Together: “Three Little Mice” (finger play)

Teach children a finger play chant introducing the terms mouse, mice, and three.

Sing Together: “Farmer Wore a Blue Hat”

Sing a song about a farmer and his blue hat.

Sing Together: “I Like Yellow”

Have children take turns singing about their favorite color.

Sing Together: “If You’re Wearing”

Sing a song about the different colors children are wearing.

Sing Together: “Mice Mix Colors” #1

Sing a song while referring to the color-mixing chart to help children review mixing two colors.

Sing Together: “Mice Mix Colors” #2

Invite children to sing and act out the words to a song about mixing colors.

Sing Together: “Rainbow Song”

Sing a song about the rainbow, allowing children to play the part of one of the colors.

Sing Together: “Red Hat, Green Hat”

Sing and act out a song about a hat of two colors.

Sing Together: “Traffic Light”

Sing a song about traffic lights focusing on the different colors and their meanings.

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